Hey Guys, Kaushik here and THANK YOU for Stopping by to check out my Kibo Code Quantum Review!
The Kibo Code Quantum is a program designed to train individuals on ecommerce and how to create an adequate income through it. In this tech age, millions of businesses are established online to take advantage of the massive market that is currently available on the internet. Online businesses are much more effective than traditional ways of doing business.
Everyone is looking to have their business hosted online to enable them to earn the profit they sought after just a few clicks in the comfort of their homes. With the knowledge of how essential ecommerce knowledge is to these online businesses, Steve Clayton and Aidan Booth, the ecommerce experts behind the Kibo Code Quantum program, designed the training program these individuals learn the ropes of online business.
Kibo Code Quantum Review
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What Is Kibo Code Quantum?

Kibo Quantum is one of the most comprehensive training programs that can help anyone to create and grow an ecommerce platform through teaching the essentials of how to make an efficient income from their online business.
Internet marketing experts worldwide wait eagerly for the latest version of the Kibo Code program, which promises prospective opportunities to tackle the various day-to-day ecommerce business challenges that they face.
The 2020 version has already won the hearts of thousands of business wizards and internet marketers. In layman’s language, the training program is focused on helping people who have a business they are running online to make more returns without breaking a sweat.
Developed by two ecommerce and digital marketing geeks, Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton, the program helps aspiring online entrepreneurs to build enticing online stores with lucrative business models. In simpler words, the Kibo Code Quantum platform can be referred to as a training course on the easiest ways to make money through online business.
The main advantage of the program is learning unique ways of attracting organic traffic to your online business. The first version of the program was a huge success. It gave thousands of online business owners ingenious ways to build their online ventures into successful businesses. The creators claim that the 2021 version of the program could be an entirely fresh program.
Consequently, I do not have any reason to doubt their sentiments. The creators, Aidan and Steve, have spent a lot of time studying the recent version of the program and creating an improved version would not be too much to ask.
Who Are Steve Clayton And Aidan Booth?

The names Aidan and Steve could be unfamiliar to you in the event that you are new to the online marketing niche. I carried out a bit of research on each of the creators before deciding to participate in the 2020 Kibo training program.
The two are successful ecommerce entrepreneurs who have struggled through quite a lot to get where they are now. The years of hard work the two put into their careers helped them build on some of the most unique and cost-effective ways of running a prospective ecommerce business into a successful venture.
Steve has been running online businesses for over 17 years since leaving his corporate job in 2003. He quickly saw success with affiliate marketing and built a digital business that started to make more than $50K each month. He then expanded to eCommerce and built a 7-figure revenue stream, which is still at the core of their business today.
Aidan, he started in 2006 with the idea of building a small income stream that would allow him to be geographically independent.
And, within a couple of years he had managed to build a consistent online income of more than twenty thousand dollars a month. As a result, he became officially free to live anywhere in the world, was able to quit his day-job.
The two gifted businessmen joined hands in 2013, never having to look back since then. After putting their efforts into online marketing for more than 15 years, their business grew into a multi-million dollar venture. If you ask both of them what fed their success story, they’ll simply say, “the passion to become successful”.
Here’s What You Get With Kibo Code Quantum


The first component of Kibo Code QUANTUM is the “Academy” which contains the core 8 week training program that’ll show you how to build your new eCommerce empire in record time.

The LaunchPad is your one-stop ‘operations hub’ that’ll allow you to build, manage and scale your business with machine-like precision. You’re going to receive exclusive access to the infrastructure that Aidan and Steve’s team built over the past 12 months to accelerate your business and the speed in which it starts making money.

This is your DONE-FOR-YOU SuperStore, loaded up with 10 products that’ll allow you to go from START to SELLING in record time. It will help you to draw in sales, establish yourself as a market leader and generate consistent buyers and income.

As we mentioned, in the SuperStore component of the training, you’re going to be given a series of 10 “Done-For-You” products you can set up and sell immediately. However, not only you’re going to receive your first set of products, you’ll also see how to mine for gold and identify ADDITIONAL best-sellers from our repository of over 2 million products.

This section of Kibo Code QUANTUM is focused on one thing… GETTING WEBSITE TRAFFIC. Usually getting targeted traffic can be tricky but you’re going to see the fool-proof plan that’ll allow you to reel in unlimited amounts of customers without any of the headaches that you’ve experienced before. .

A key focus of Kibo Code QUANTUM is to make the system as hands-free for you as possible and one of the ways you’re going to achieve this is with the PowerLabs – an additional suite of “smart” software tools included within the Kibo LaunchPad.

As students who have taken Aidan & Steve’s past training courses will attest to, Aidan & Steve believes that their support system is categorically the best in the business because they provide unending help to everyone who joins. This time around will be no exception. The Kibo Alliance is an exclusive support system where you’ll get assistance and help from their dedicated team, along with fellow Kibo members..

The Kibo Achievements system is specifically designed to encourage you to take action. The more sales and revenue you generate the higher the award you’ll get — and you’ll receive an exclusive badge which will be displayed next to your name in the members forum. This will give you accountability, push you forward and help you build your business as rapidly as possibly.

As a member, you’re also going to receive a FREE all-access pass to “Kibo 2021”, their annual live event which will be held over an entire weekend (dates announced soon).

As a bonus, you’ll get the full recordings of their live event with guest speakers and inner circle secrets.

Get access to advanced workshops with additional tactics, formulas and strategies.

This is another exclusive training revealing how to scale your business to a 7-figure run rate.

How Does Kibo Code Quantum Work?
The process is very VERY simple, only involves 5 Core Steps, and looks like this:

Here are the 5 steps you would need to follow in more detail…
First, you’d install your super-optimized webstore which requires no technical set-up knowledge whatsoever.
They’ve spent the past 12 months testing and tweaking many different types of storefront and have optimized them down to the highest converting version – the one they personally use to generate thousands of dollars each day.
(In fact, you wouldn’t need to set it up yourself as they’re going directly help you with this — but you’ll have to register and join on one of the live training labs to find out more about that)
Next, you would identify a core selection of winning products to load into your webstore ready to sell and make money.
Now, if you’ve done product research before you’ll know that there are many ways of identifying products to sell…and I’m sure you’ll also know that actually finding winning products isn’t quite as easy as it sounds.
But again this is something you WON’T need to worry about, as they have a HUGE shortcut you can take advantage of which SOLVES this potential issue.
The third step is all about hitting an initial milestone of $1000/week by taking advantage of instant sources of “buyer” traffic.
In fact, there would be a couple of different options here for you to choose from.
Paid traffic, or free traffic.
I’d assume you’d choose FREE traffic – and if so, you’d start using the NEW way of generating free traffic they’ve developed that would allow you to get your first sales fast and give you the best possible chance of hitting “Milestone 1” – $1000/week.
Then, once you start making sales, then you’ll need to deliver the products you sell to the people who bought them.
The way it works is beautifully simple…
1. A person orders a product from your webstore…
2. You get paid upfront…
3. You buy the product from the supplier…
4. The supplier ships the product directly to the customer…
5. The difference between what the customer paid for the product on your store and what the supplier charges you for it is your PROFIT.
The good news is that the fulfilment process requires almost no work on your part and doesn’t require you to talk to anyone or see or handle any of the products you’ve sold.
So at this point, you have your webstore, your products and you are successfully selling them and making money.
Once you have your core selection of products making money, then you need to optimize your sales processes to increase conversions and therefore sales and profits.
They have tested a huge number of strategies and “apps” over the past year and both Steve and Aidan , and their successful students, have got this conversion process down to a fine art.
All you need to do is copy them. They use 5 methods, which are all extremely easy to implement and using them will allow you to boost your profits dramatically.
In step 5, the aim is to rinse and repeat – and to go from…. $1000/week to $5000/week to $10,000/week and beyond
(if you work hard and carefully follow their lead)…by retaining the most profitable products on your website, eliminating the ones that only produce small amounts of profits…. Then finding NEW winning products to expand your store and increase your revenue.
And that’s it
The system really is that simple. In fact, the reality is that you only need a handful of successful products to start making really amazing money.
Can you see the potential here?
but a question you may be asking is… Have I not seen this type of thing before? Is this not just regular ecommerce?
No – this is different. Very different.
To explain why, here are:
Here are the 5 huge benefits of this business model:
5 HUGE Benefits Of Kibo Code Quantum E-Commerce Business Model:
1. There are NO traffic issues.
As you know, traffic is the life-blood of any online business and unless you are able to generate targeted traffic you won’t make any money.
The good news here is that they use untapped sources of high-targeted buyer traffic (both free and paid sources) where you can place the products you are selling directly in front of people who are online, looking to buy them right at that moment
2. There are no supplier issues.
If you run (or have tried to run) an eCommerce business that sources products from China or other overseas countries, you’ll know first-hand that dealing with people over there can sometimes be difficult.
One simple communication breakdown can result in thousands of dollars down the drain and a lost business.
You don’t do that here. You only source products from US suppliers and to begin with you only sell these products to US based people. (And you can do this no matter where you live in the world).
3. The financial risk-factor is VERY low.
The big advantage with this model is that you don’t deal with inventory.
In every other eCommerce business model you need to buy inventory upfront – and sometimes a lot of it!
With private label, it may be as little as $200 or it could be as much as $2000 (or more) to get started.
With the wholesale method of eCommerce, it can also be hundreds of dollars to get started.
With this method you don’t need to buy anything upfront which eliminates the risk of losing money on unsold inventory. If a product does not sell, you simply dump it and try another product. No wasted money.
4. You get RAPID and ongoing results.
Since there are no lead times and you can test products to see if they sell within super-short time periods of 48 hours or less, you are able to fill your store with top-converting, profitable products extremely fast.
And because you don’t need to wait for inventory to be created, sent and processed, this is the fastest online business model and the quickest way to get cash in the bank.
It is also VERY easy to scale.
5. You can do this without giving anything up.
You can continue to work your day-job and stick to your current daily routine if you want to.
And if you already have an online business, no matter what it is… or even if you are running with another method of ecommerce currently, you can simply run this alongside it simultaneously.
Click Here To Get The Exclusive Free Kibo Code QUANTUM Bonuses!
What Does Kibo Code Quantum Teach?
Through Kibo Code Quantum, you can expect to get an expert level mentorship for your online marketing efforts from the top digital marketing experts in the industry. Those who choose to take part in the Kibo Code Quantum training program get a first-hand training experience on how to run and grow an ecommerce store without any hired help.
The sessions and module on Kibo Code Quantum may differ, and the latest version of the program is likely to follow the same training structure as that of the older Kio Code program version. If you have no clue on the essentials of the Kibo Code program, we have outlined how the program works below:
- Aided by certain tools in the Kibo Code Quantum program, you will have to buy a premium domain for your ecommerce site
- The program will also avail preloaded store themes to help you set up the ecommerce store in your new domain
- You will be required to add the products you will be selling on your ecommerce store
- The program will then assist you in generating unique traffic to your new ecommerce store. It will avail some incredible lessons on ingenious traffic generation methods and tactics straight from the experts themselves.
- Once you have successfully made a sale on your ecommerce site, you will get assistance from a US-based product supplier to deliver your sold products to their respective buyers.
- As the final step, the program will direct you to exclude the products that are not profitable to your online venture from your store and optimize your online business for a better return on investment.
What Really Is E-Commerce Business?
Ecommerce business is an ever growing face of online business that undergoes mind-blowing changes in its growth trends every passing year, or even month. People have moved from the traditional way of selling products and services into the much easier but much more competitive online selling venture.
Projected to grow to $4.9 trillion by 2021, the global ecommerce business is bound to pay a handsome price to anyone who plays a part in it.
To sell online, you must get the attention of the right audience ad have a working and trustworthy system to conveniently sell the products that your customers need and deliver them at the shortest time possible.
While some of the functionalities of ecommerce may be hard for some of us to keep up with, platforms like Kibo Code Quantum make the process of setting up and growing your online venture into brand a walk in the park.
Who Is Kibo Code Quantum For?
Do you have a flair in business and marketing? The Kibo Code Quantum is the platform for you. If you are looking to set up a new and lucrative business, attending the Kibo Code Quantum program could be the wisest idea you have had.
The program does not have a preferred age or educational criteria to begin attending its lessons. Whether you have little or no knowledge in ecommerce, you can take advantage of the program and learn to explore the limitless opportunities of ecommerce and online marketing presented by the program.
Who This Is Not For?
While you do not need a sound background in digital marketing or ecommerce to take advantage of the Kibo Code program, you need to be focused on making sales and optimizing your store to enjoy its full benefits.
The Kibo Code Quantum platform is not for those simply looking to test the program out! You must be willing to go the full stretch to get the traffic or design you want.
While simply testing the program out could lead you to discovering its potential, you have to be motivated by higher sales and the growth of your online store to enjoy optimal performance of the Kibo Code Quantum platform.
What Is The Price Of Kibo Code Quantum Course?
The 2020 Kibo Code program went for $3497 that was payable in three or four monthly installments. While we do not have full closure on the details of the 2021 Kibo Code Quantum platform, we should expect a higher pricing for the updated version.
However, we still have to wait till the official launch of the program on 26th January 2021.
Does Kibo Code Quantum Really Work?
While many of the marketers I have told you about in the tide-changing platform still remain skeptical about its efficiency in aiding ecommerce, Kibo Code is quite a unique concept. It is aimed at helping marketers with a particular interests.
If the astounding number of customer reviews and testimonials do not speak enough for the efficiency of the program, I can attest to the fact that the program can help you earn much more than you think, just like I did!
Click Here to Register for a Free Kibo Code Live Training Lab Now!
Pros Of The Kibo Code Quantum eCommerce Business Course
- Easy to follow: The program features a detailed business model that is not only easy to understand, but also pretty straightforward in implementing.
With the help of the program, you can set up and run a successful online business venture without any prior knowledge and experience in the online business industry.
- Authentic: With the Kibo Code Quantum platform, you do not need to worry about reliability. Since its launch, the program has already guided thousands to establishing and running successful online business ventures.
The creators of the program are trusted experts in the online marketing niche with years of experience and a remarkable reputation in the field. By simply searching on your favorite search engine, you will be able to find plenty of entrepreneurs who owe their success to the various teachings provided in the program.
- No capital investment: Most entrepreneurs that are new to the digital marketing niche are very wary of starting or boosting their online business ventures since they require huge capital investments.
However, the Kibo Code Quantum program allows you to start your own online venture without having to spend a dime, except from the program charges. The one-time payment you make on the platform will be the fuel that powers your high income ecommerce store for years to come.
- Worth and value: It is impossible to find a training program that is as capable of turning around your income from an online venture as the Kibo Code Quantum platform. It not only allows you to set up and smoothly run your online venture but also only charges a one-time fee for all the services it renders. In addition, you will not need to pay a dime more to set up your online business! Plus, as I have come to realize, the platform consistently offers premium service in its training modules, regardless of how long you have been using it.
Cons Of The Kibo Code Quantum eCommerce Business Training Program
- Premium price: The Kibo Code platform is not meant for anyone looking to take up a challenge. Only those looking to start a legitimate ad lucrative online venture can afford its premium pricing. While the amount may be quite high for some online store owners, you are bound to get the money back in no time through your online business.
Why Listen To Me?
I have been an affiliate marketer for longer than a decade now, but I have never run into a program as efficient in training new learners in ecommerce as the Kibo Code Quantum. Despite me having a comprehensive list of critical contacts in the industry, it took me quite a while to be aware of the particularly traffic efficient lessons included in the Kibo Code training program.
Despite having attended the 2020 version, am pretty sure that the 2021 Kibo Code Quantum will feature something that will surprise me as in its previous version. The 2020 version of the platform inspired me to write about the highly anticipated edition of the online training platform. If you are anything like me where at a point your do not know where or how to kick off your career, then Kibo Code Quantum could be your solution too!
Kibo Code Quantum Review: My Verdict!
I consider the Kibo Code Quantum a breakthrough in the ecommerce and online business training niche. While we can only guess the features to be included in the upcoming version of the program, you can be sure that it will be an entirely new experience for anyone who chooses to attend it. When you talk of simplicity and efficiency, the Kibo Code Quantum platform comes to mind.
Setting up your online store will no longer require you to store your products or ship them out yourself to the relevant customers. Kibo Code will provide the assistance required to ship out all your products correctly. Your only responsibility will be ensuring that your store enjoys enough traffic, and the Kibo Code program also assists you in figuring out how best to achieve this.
Before joining the Kibo Code program, I could only imagine making close to $1,000 a day, but now surpassing this figure is not much of a big deal to me. From the comfort of your home, you could easily streamline your online business and reap great profits without having to work 24/7. Kibo Code Quantum promises you this and more.
If you are as excited as I am about the program, you could participate in one of Kibo Code Quantum’s free webinars to learn more on the program and how you could be a part of it.
To Your Success!

Kaushik Das
Reference Links
Online Business Ideas | https://www.shopify.com/blog/online-business-ideas
E-Commerce | Wikipedia® | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-commerce
World Wide Web as a Platform for Electronic Commerce | https://www.w3.org/Collaboration/ECommerceEval